
A gentle tip-toe through the shallow water, ever so elegantly, a whisper from the tree branches swaying ever so gracefully. An amiable pitter patter as her toes dipped into, a placid chill to warmth kept still.

. c r e d i t s .
Head Piece | Goddess Flora
Styling | LeGypsy
Photographer | Danielle Hulls

Also featured on the Hello May blog.

Love, Ell x

Dear Winter.

And oh darling, we found solitude and bliss in the most candid of places, a simple breeze making its way through the tree's branches, and tiny droplets fell onto our eyelids as we found peace with ourselves. In light, and in hope.

. c r e d i t s .
Photographer | Danielle Hulls

A repost from a blogpost on my old blog late last year, to compare my old work to my new.

Love, Ell x

Sun kissed lace.

In the sunny Autumn haze, where as we felt summer had returned as the sun and warm gentle wind entwined within the lace.

. c r e d i t s .
Model | Megan Emmett
HMUA | Lisa Fahey
Photographer | Danielle Hulls

Note : The clothing that Megan wears in this set were hand crafted especially for this shoot by myself.

Love, Ell x